クラスメソッドのヤングブラッド(Young Blood)の話

クラスメソッドのヤングブラッド(Young Blood)の話

Clock Icon2022.11.23


This blog is very special and dear to me in many ways, not only I will be completing another year at Classmethod but important in ways to share and reflect on what it means to be a Classmethod's Young Blood.

Background Story


team -picture

Classmethod recently won AWS GameDay World Championship APJ Qualifier and stood first in the ranking (though we didn't win the finals). Our team name was DevelopersIO YoungBlood. It's not the name but the feeling to learn something, and enjoying as a contributor to this amazing diversified workplace culture is my motivation to share this blog.

Who are Classmethod's Young Blood?

Classmethod Young blood Group Photo

Every one of us at Classmethod is a Young Blood! It's not the AGE, it's the feeling to make our life and everyone's life around us (society, customers, family) better and to give something to the next generation.


What makes us Young Blood?

There are many stories and experiences but here are some which are very close to my heart.

Lead By Examples

My 2 years journey, this is a very fascinating experience right from the top management to the new employees, everyone is a leader in himself/herself and always strives to achieve the best results. Everybody takes new initiatives which is a constant inspiration to do something new.

Respect for one another

I feel important at Classmethod in whatever I do. Irrespective of position; people always listen to me and understand my point of view. Showing care, empathy, and compassion for colleagues are the fundamental qualities of everyone at Classmethod.

We are different, yet ONE

Even on GameDay; our team had different people who spoke different languages, yet we understood everything because we enjoy diversity, we enjoy learning each other's culture, and make memories with them.

In the workplace, there are all kinds of diversified people yet everyone tries to help each other. I feel very special when my colleagues give and provide feedback on my Japanese language, and teach their culture even though its time consuming yet they do that to make each other comfortable and ONE.

Open Communication

At Classmethod, we embrace open communication. Whether you belong to a different division, different team, different locations, or even different positions; everyone is available to address issues, communicate and help each other.


Times will change, People will change, Team Names and members will change but no matter what the spirit of being a Young Blood will always remain the same!

As a Young Blood, I am responsible to uphold and teach to other members about whatever I have learned so far, whatever people and my seniors have taught me. I must continue this Legacy of being a Young Blood to the Next Generation and create many more Young Blood!

Once again, to all the Classmethod Young Blood, thank you for your ongoing support. I look forward to continuing to work with you!

Jatin Mehrotra (@iamjatinjmehrotra)


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